

To view annual amounts for each fee, visit the Office of the Regisrar website.

Year Enacted Sunset Date* Measure # Fund # Description
2019, 2006, 2002,
Summer 2030 73, 24, 1,
A, 2,
20270 Transportation Fee
2017 Spring 2042 68 20372 Intercollegiate Athletics and Athletics Activities Fee
2016 66 20194 Support Student Governed Spaces
2016, 1985 65 20275 Amendment to Student Life Facilities Fee - OPERS Facilities
2016, 2007 64, 32 20371 Physical Education - Amendment to Measure 32
2015, 2007 63, 30 20369 Learning Support Services Fee
2011, 2005 50, 13 20366 Student Media Council Fee
2011 49 20385 Cultural Arts and Diversity Fee
2010 2020 45 20193 Sustainability Office Fee
2010, 2006 44, 28 20273 Renewable Energy Fee
2010 43 20182 Sustainable Food, Health, and Wellness Fee
2010 2013
42 -- Increase University Library Hours of Operation Fee
2008 37 20382 Support GIIP Fee
2008 35 20384 Student Health Center Green Building Fee
2008 34 20381 Sustaining the Student Media Voice Fee
2007 33 Graduate Student Government Fee Increase
2007 32 20371 Physical Education Program Fee
2007 20259 Seismic Improvement Fee
2007 31 20370 Intercollegiate Athletics Sports Team Fee
2006 27 20268 Seymour Marine Discovery Center Fee
2006 26 20266 Recreation Programs Fee
2006 23 20264 Intramural and Sports Club Team Fee
2006, 2005 22, 16 20368 Student Voice & Empowerment Fee
2005 18 20383 Student Health Center Expansion Fee
2005, 2003 17, 10 20362 Engaging Education Programs Fee
2005 15 20367 Community and Resource Empowerment "CARE"
2005, 2003 14, 9 20361 Campus Sustainability Programs Fee (Undergraduate)
11 20363 Theater Arts Fee
Spring, 2002
8, 5 20185 Campus Student Government Fee
7 20360 Student Programs Fee
4 -- Radio Station Renovation Project
2000, 2000,
I, J 20280 Graduate Student Health Insurance Plan (GSHIP)
1999 D 20286 Free and Anonymous HIV Testing
1998 A 20285 USHIP Health Insurance (waivable) Fee
1998 2001
C -- Student Run Restaurant
1997 2027* *Please note fee was not charged to students until the building was opened in FY2001. While original language stipulated a sunset of 2023, per the building's opening and actual beginning of student fee charges, sunset will now end accordingly in FY2027. 1 20276 Graduate Student Facilities Fee (Sunsets 2027)
1997, 1991,
A 20183 Campus Childcare Fee
1996 2029 Sp (Inflation Adj) B 20269 OPERS Fitness Facility Fee
1995, 1965 20189 College Student Govt. Fee
1991 B -- Class Schedule Fee-Discontinued eff.W1
1987 1 20277 Student Facilities Fee
1985 2017 Fall 20275 Student Life Facilities Fee
1972, 1966 20260 Campus Program Fee

* Sunset Date refers to the date the fee has expired or will expired.