Student Space Available for Studying and Private Appointments on Campus

McHenry Library

(Updated December 9, 2022)

The increased use of video conferencing for healthcare appointments, group meetings, and remote/online instruction has underscored a need for more student space on campus. We are pleased to share that for fall quarter UC Santa Cruz is able to provide students with additional reservable space on campus for confidential meetings and drop-in space for studying. This kind of multipurpose space is important both for supporting students with their studies and overall well being (community message 11/03/2021.)


McHenry Library and Science & Engineering Library

Study rooms in the McHenry Library and Science and Engineering Library can now be reserved for both individual and group use. The 28 rooms can be reserved up to a week in advance and for up to four hours at a time.

Reserve a Library Study Room here. Library rooms are available from 8 a.m. - 9 p.m. Monday through Friday, and 12 p.m. - 8 p.m. on weekends excluding holidays and campus breaks. Library room use policy can be found here

Dean of Students Office 

Room 257K is no longer available for student use. Please find more reservable spaces here