Registration for the 2020-2021 Decision Making Workshops is now open. Please use this form to sign up for a date.

The Decision Making Workshop is designed to challenge students to explore the context of decision-making and to provide useful skills for future choices. The program empowers participants to engage each other in discussion regarding decision-making. It is a two-hour interactive workshop used as an educational sanction for students who have been involved in a variety of policy violations. It is a learning focused sanction that allows participants to examine the choices they make. The workshop hopes to have participants think about the messages they receive, explore the impact of their decisions and create strategies for improvement.

Steps to Completing the Sanction:

1. Register for the workshop using this form. - Please note you must be logged in to your UCSC email account to sign up.
2. Complete all fields of the registration page.
3. Attend your Workshop!
4. Complete your Reflection Paper, turn it in to the person you assigned you to the workshop within 7 days.

Location: All workshops will be held via Zoom. Following your registration for the workshop, the workshop facilitator will send you the Zoom login information via email.

Notification: You must provide the Decision Making Workshop Administrator with 24 hours notice if you are unable to attend the session for which you have registered. You must then re-register for an upcoming workshop through contacting the Workshop administrator.

Cost/Charge: There is a $0.00 charge to you for the first registration of this workshop. There is a $25.00 re-registering fee for each successive registration that the student initiates.

Tardiness: The workshop begins promptly at the time indicated, so you should plan to arrive at least 10 minutes prior. It is important you are on time and stay for the full duration of the workshop. If you are late or leave early, you will not receive credit for attending the workshop and you will need to re-register for another session. The workshop is 2 hours in length. If there are less than 6 attendees for the workshop, it will be canceled, and a follow-up email will be sent to reschedule for another day.

Participation: Participation during the workshop will be a consideration for meeting the requirements of your sanction. Participation is defined as actively engaging with the participants, speaking during the session, completing written/oral exercises and respecting other group members. If you choose not to participate, you may need to retake the workshop or be found in violation of your voluntary resolution.

Cooperation: You must cooperate with the facilitator and comply with the following or you will be asked to leave the workshop:

  • Come with an open mind--this is necessary to process the information introduced in the program.
  • For your presence in the seminar, you are responsible for the behaviors that led to be there. If you have problems concerning your situation or reasons for being in the workshop, please see your Coordinator for Residential Education or your Associate Director of College Student Life. Do not use the workshop as a platform to blame someone else for your involvement in a situation.
  • Do not come to the workshop under the influence of alcohol and/or any other drug.
  • You must participate cooperatively in all activities of group work.

Confidentiality: Confidentiality is vital for creating an environment where participants can share personal information. Any breach of confidentiality will be considered a violation of your voluntary resolution and will subject you to disciplinary action in accordance with the Student Policies and Regulations Handbook, Sections 102.16 and 102.21.

Reflection Paper: Often, you are required to complete a reflection paper after the completion of the workshop, describing what you learned/gained form the workshop and return that to your Conduct Officer within one week of completion. Your Conduct Officer will provide you with more specific details about the length and what your reflection paper should cover.


If you have any questions or concerns or need accommodations for the Decision Making Workshop, email